Balances & Changes
- Increased Lich Transformation's drain aura from 3 to 5 damage.
- Decreased Den of Darkness's aura damage from 25 to 15.
- Fire Bomb now has a 1-turn starting cooldown.
- Full Fire now gives you stun immunity to napalm.
- Full Arcane's empowered Glyph Ball no longer leaves behind a trail of glyphs.
- Decreased the number of extra arrows from full arcane's Arcane Arrows and Arcane Bomb from 2 to 1.
- Increased Fireball's base damage from 30 to 40.
- Increased Fire Arrow's maximum damage from 45 to 60.
- Ice Golem is now a normal summon instead of a projectile-based summon.
- Decreased the cooldown of Magic Sapling from 6 turns to 2 turns.
- Added the following bonuses for full Underdark: Dark Arrows shoot 1 extra arrow. Remove the cooldown for Resurrect.
- Reaper now has a base minimum of 50 HP.
- Added new spell for Dark Knight, Fear: cause all nearby entities to jump away from the caster. Does not work on frozen, stunned, and towered entities.
- Full Overlight's extra sky rays now deal 25 damage instead of 50.
- Decreased Guardian Angel's HP from 60 to 50.
- Made the following changes to Arcane Portal: The targeted portal can now overlap entities, but not terrain. The portal that spawns above you can no longer overlap entities.
- Piety now deals normal damage instead of directly changing a player's HP when used on players with HP higher than the average. In other words, it is now affected by Protection Shield, Stone Skin, towers, etc.
- (Temporary) Mushrooms are removed when their owner dies. They stop working when the owner dies in the first place, which is a bug that will be fixed in a future patch.
- Overlight and Underdark spells are no longer missing in Random Spells mode.
- Flying entities no longer get stuck in the map corners when teleported using Arcane Portal.
- Blink is no longer disabled when you cast Angel Transformation.
- Fixed wrong number in Light Castle's description.
- Updated Ice Tower's description.
- Fixed Mega Clam and Mega Waterball not working properly if used by a Reaper minion.
- HP draining no longer carries over if you died by self-damage and revived with a soul jar.
- Fixed the glowing effect for full underdark's icon not disappearing when the player's soul jar sinks.
- Fixed Aura of Decay preventing terrain from being created through effects such as empowered acorns and Vine Bridge.
- Fixed wrong order of operations for knockback on several spells (like Shock Bomb), causing momentum to be preserved if they triggered Soul Jar's effect or Substitution.
- You can no longer blink into the water and get stuck.
- Necro'd minions no longer get permanently frozen if they were previously frozen.
- Phoenix eggs no longer trigger Aura of Decay.
- Fixed necro'd flame imps not dealing the correct amount of damage.
- Fixed flame imps not being counted properly sometimes when sacrificed using Reaper or Dark Defences.
- Removed knockback resistance on Reaper when using Rocket Jump.
- Arcane Shield is no longer triggered by your own projectiles if they're moving away from you.
- Fixed Imp Explosion not killing the minion that cast it if protected by a Guardian Angel.
- Fixed bug where Arcane Shield and Shock Shield are removed if your last minion died.
- Fixed bug with arcane glyphs completely removing the light projectile that summons a Holy Knight, preventing it from spawning.
- Mounting a minion no longer removes any mushrooms attached to you.
- Fixed the poison visual effect affecting objects besides the player.
- Fixed bug where mushrooms would detach from entities if they were too close to each other after being hit by Overgrowth.
- Comet no longer ignores Tree of Life's terrain strengthening effect.
- Fixed mushrooms and lightning rod not detaching from a player that died and turned into a ghost.